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Selectmen's Minutes - September 14, 1994
September 14, 1994

Meeting at Whitman-Hanson Regional High School with Whitman-Hanson Regional School Committee.  (Minutes taken by School Committee Secretary, Laura Haas, and accepted by same Committee)

Meeting Convened:               7:30 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned:              9:00 p.m.
Present:        W/H S.C.                Messrs. Kowalski, Ellis, Muise,
                                        Mrs. Harwich, Vaitkus, Cadres, Stafford
                W Selectmen     Thomas Adams, Chrm.
                                        Lillian Barry & Cap. Improvement
                W. Bus. Mgr.    William Young
                H. Selectmen    Joseph Frisoli, Chrm.
                                        Peter J. Jones
                                        Charles Flynn (arrived late)
                                        Judith Murdoch
                H Exec.Secy     Joseph Nugent
                H Fin. Com.     Linda Wyman
                                        Robert Sutter
                W. Fin. Com.    Frank Lynam
                                        LeRoy Lattin & Cap. Improv. Adv.
                                        Richard Vincent, Chrm.
                W. Cap. Impr.   Elaine Melissi
                                        Richard Cashman
                                        Margaret McGillvary
                                        Stephen Landreville
                                        George Coffey
                                        Martha Christian
                                        Lillian Barry
                                        LeRoy Lattin
                H. Cap. Impr.   Mary Lou Sutter
                                        John Travers
Adminis.        Dr. Avery, Supt; Sharon Andrew, Bus. Dir.

Purpose of Meeting:  To see if all Boards could come up with some reasonable processes and plans by which the Regional can make capital expenditures over a period of time.

Question to be resolved:  Definition of capital improvement relative to the Agreement and procedure.

Mr. Travers stated that existing things in a building would come under operational expenses unless an addition was made and that addition was being outfitted.  If you were reconstructing rooms within a building, you would get a bond issue for extra-ordinary repairs for that building.

Hanson's Process for Capital Items for Vote by Townspeople:  Requests go through the Capital Improvement Committee.  They prioritize capital items and if they are over $5,000 and can be used for five (5) years or more, they go on a six-year plan.  Articles go to Selectmen and then Town Meeting.

If a school issue was high enough to be a priority and it was recommended, it would go on the Town Warrant.  If an emergency issue comes up, it would go to the Capital Improvement Committee for review and an amendment could be made.

Besides the Agreement, the Town of Hanson is governed by their by-laws, stated Mr. Nugent.  There is certain criteria.

Notification is sent out for requests to all town departments, as well as Whitman-Hanson, to submit their program by November 1st for capital items which will be incorporated in Hanson's plan.

In the future, Whitman will probably do something similar.  Whitman's plan is under advisement by the Board of Selectmen to make changes which will be very similar to Hanson's.  The process now is that the District submits Articles to the Whitman Selectmen who put the Articles on Town Warrants.

Whitman was extended an invitation to meet and work with Hanson to form their guidelines so both towns will be similar.

Dr. Avery stated that the by-laws in the town do not govern the Region and that he is willing to work through the Capital Improvement Committees of both towns.

Dr. Kowalski stated that if we were to go through the Capital Improvement Committee in each town, it is an even playing field.

Mr. Nugent said he is interested in seeing a laundry list of items that are out there to get it plugged into Hanson[s plan and to know if they have to make adjustments.

Mrs. Sutter stated that one of the things that is confusing the issue is talking about items that are bondable and we are talking about non-bondable issues.

Dr. Kowalski stated that an alternative way from what we are doing now is to have the school department present an operating budget and capital budget to each town.  It would treat all schools of the District and apportion the funds.

Robert Sutter stated that if any building needs something, it should be funded by the District regardless of what school it is going to, but have the supplies to put into the schools where needed.

Dr. Avery stated that a capital budget is for major items in the system.  The Regional has never given the Towns a capital budget.  That is another way to go, he stated.  The Regional has stayed with Articles and submit them to the Selectmen for Town Warrants.

Mrs. Murdoch would like to know what other regional school districts in the state have done.  We should seek input.

Mr. Lynam stated we are talking capital improvements and budgetary items.  The problem is operating expenses are handled on the regional level and capital is handled on town level.  He believes the communities would be better served if the ownership and responsibilities of operating would lie within the Region as opposed to community ownership.

Mr. Travers suggested putting a paragraph in the Agreement to define a capital cost that is other than bondable.

Mr. Nugent suggested that a Study Committee be put together to see if the Regional Agreement needs to be amended for the control of the schools.

Dr. Avery stated that when the Region expanded two year ago, the elementary and middle schools were included and buildings are leased by the District, but the Towns retain ownership.

Mr. Frisoli stated all expenditures for the school is handled through the Operating Budget and there is a process in the Operating Budget for the two towns.  There is a process which can be extended to the Capital Improvement.

Mr. Adams stated he would like to see a discussion on turning the schools over to the Region.  Dr. Kowlaski stated the school would develop a Capital budget if it owned the schools.

A Study Committee, consisting of eight (8) members, will be formed which will include:

        1 Finance Committee member from each town       (2)
        1 Selectman from each Town                              (2)
        1 Capital Improvement member from each town     (2)
        1 School Committee member from each town        (2)

This Committee will study the following issues:

        a)      School building ownership
        b)      Definition of capital items
        c)      Processes dealing with capital costs
        d)      Most cost effective way to handle capital improvements
        e)      Reimbursement incentives
        f)      Best time to study alternatives
        g)      Submission of Articles to Capital Improvement
        h)      Data as to how other school districts deal with capital                 improvements -- is it working counter productively; was                 it necessary to change their agreement

This Study Committee will meet the first week in October.  They will do the groundwork and bring back suggestions, in writing, to the full Committee at the end of November to discuss the pros and cons.

At 9:00 p.m. MOVED:  Mrs. Murdoch; SECONDED:  Mr. Lattin; VOTE:  Unanimous, to adjourn.